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Get the Most Out of Working From Home

Since the COVID-19 pandemic forced employees to transition to a work-from-home office, many employees are now enjoying the benefits of a better work-life balance that working from home brings. In an era when people are enforcing personal boundaries and seeking a more satisfying way to work, many employees are choosing not to come back to the office.

If you’re one of the 61% of people who are choosing to work from home since the pandemic, or are considering the transition, here are a few tips to help get the most out of working from home.

Create a separate work space

Just like in a regular cubicle or open office, creating a separate work space is vital to mentally separating your work from home life. Having a separate work space helps create focus and routine, which can be hard at times when you can roll out of bed and work from your pjs with a cat, dog, or child on your lap. Separate spaces, even if it’s part of a large room, allows you to leave the space–and thinking about work–in that space and enjoy free time at home more.

Define your work schedule

This may seem like an easy or obvious working from home tip, but defining when you start and end your work helps maintain healthy boundaries and a healthy work-life balance. Share your schedule with your colleagues and folks that co-exist with you at home so everyone is aware of your work boundaries. Then make sure to stick to it. And don’t forget to silence emails after your workday ends.

Go for walks

We’ve all seen those viral TikTok’s of people begrudgingly going for walks to improve their mental health. No matter how hard it can be to get up from your desk because you have “just one more email”, going for walks and taking breaks does, in fact, benefit your mental health and increase your productivity long-term. If you work from home in a small town  and have trails near you, even better! 

Be present online

This may seem like another obvious working from home tip because of course when working from home you have to be online! But being online and present are two different things. Like mentioned above, it’s easy to roll out of bed and work in your pj’s and go to meetings with your camera off. However, there’s something motivating about getting dressed like you’re going into the office that helps shift your brain and mood into work mode. Seeing your colleagues also helps establish a human connection that is sometimes lacking when you work from home.


One of the perks (or grievances) of working in the office is socialization. You’re either one of those people that love interacting and catching up on the gossip in the office, or absolutely hate being interrupted when you’re working at your desk. Whether you’re an introvert or an extravert, socializing outside of your family, and outside of work meetings helps establish work culture and benefits your mental health.

Internet Access

Probably the most important tool to have in your home office is to have access to high-speed internet. No one wants to be the person with the awkward frozen face during an online meeting. Hub66 can help set you up (for free!) at home and make sure you are connected so you can do your work faster, and spend more time doing the things that make you happy.

Are you transitioning to working from home and need to maximize your WiFi? We’ve got your back. Learn more about our high-speed fiber-based internet service on our website.