Fiber Internet, Home Fiber

Why Hub66 Doesn’t Cap Your Monthly Data

What’s with Internet Service Data Caps?

To understand why Internet Service Providers (ISPs) “cap,” or limit the amount of data you can
use month-to-month, it’s essential to understand how your Internet service really works.
Think of your Internet connection like a highway. The more lanes there are on the highway,
the more traffic it can handle, and the faster it can go.

In this scenario, ISPs need to limit bandwidth, or cap your data, to make sure everyone
connected to their network is able to travel down the highway. By restricting how quickly you
can drive, ISPs protect their networks from overloads and outages. But as people stream more
and more, this outdated infrastructure system crumbles, ISPs have created a system where
they charge you more money for the premium speeds because their infrastructure can’t
handle everyone using large amounts of data.

Building Our Own Internet Highway

This is where Hub66 stands proudly apart from other Internet providers. We have the big
highway, and we built it ourselves. Instead of pricing plans, upgrades, or premium packages,
Hub66 has done the work to create a solid Internet infrastructure— nothing’s going to stop
you or slow you down. We want you to get online and give you the fastest connection
possible. When more cars come along, instead of you getting stuck in traffic, we’ll increase our
fiber optic feed and expand the highway as more bandwidth is needed by our customers.

The Way the Internet Should Be

Hub66’s commitment to the fastest possible service doesn’t stop there. While other providers
will send you equipment that limits the amount of speed you’re able to get access to, Hub66’s
equipment is capable of handling as much speed as we’re able to provide, ever. This means
your speed is never limited by insufficient equipment.

Hub66 uses some of the most advanced equipment available to market on all of its networks,
from the Fiber Optic lines we run, to the wireless router in your home. We use the most
cutting-edge equipment, constantly updating our systems to ensure network security and the
highest possible speeds.

Our Competitors Use Caps to Charge You More

Knowing all this, what’s the real answer to why your ISP is capping your data? The answer is…
because they can, and because they’ve convinced you to pay more. At Hub66, there are no
“premium plans” or upgrade packages. We don’t have to cap data flow, because we can handle
so much more. We give you everything we’ve got, and when we build more, you’ll get that too.

Click here, or call 855-469-9477 to learn more about uncapped service speed in your area.