Fiber Internet, Fiber Network, Fixed Wireless, High-Speed Internet, Internet, New Hampshire, Wireless Internet

Why You Should Buy Local High-Speed Internet

Having reliable access to high-speed internet has become a necessity for modern life. Internet connection is used for everything from conducting your work and businesses and controlling your finances, to connecting with family and friends.  Whether you’re online all day every day or checking in periodically, internet access is vital. However, your current provider may not consider your access vital, offering spotty coverage and poor customer service.

You might not think having a local provider is worth the switch when big brands monopolize the market, but here are four reasons why making the switch to Hub66, a local high-speed internet provider, is good for your wallet and good for your community.

Award-winning local high-speed internet

Remember the days of dial-up and having the time to read a book while the internet connected? Technology has changed a lot but unfortunately, too many rural residents are waiting on high-speed internet. Hub66’s mission is to “build the best possible network for our neighbors, our towns, and our communities.” It was this goal of building the best possible network that Hub66, in partnership with the town of Bristol, was recognized by New Hampshire Business Review as an Editor’s Pick for the magazine’s publication of 2022 Best of Business Awards. When you make the switch to Hub66, you’re switching to a locally recognized, tried and true,  service.

Real people, real local

When you get on the phone with Hub66, you’re not going to get greeted by a robot voice, you will be greeted by real people in your local community. Hub66 is a leading Internet Service Provider (ISP), connecting rural communities and businesses throughout New England with affordable, high-speed fiber-based Internet services. Hub66 serves small towns across rural New Hampshire and will meet you where you are for both new and existing customers making sure all your questions are answered. No preloaded chat robots that talk in circles, or long holding times, Hub66 gets you up and running quickly and hassle-free.

No contracts or hidden fees

How often have you opened up a bill from your big-brand internet or cable company and have nearly dropped to the floor because of a new, expensive charge? Or how about getting an unexpected charge for installation or renting a router or cable box? Hub66 prides itself on offering extraordinary customer services while remaining affordable. That’s why Hub66 not only provides service without a contract and has no hidden fees, which means no surprise bills in the mail. We also don’t charge customers for the use of our equipment.

Serving the community

When you support local businesses, you’re supporting the community you live in. Hub66’s mission is to provide local high-speed internet to rural towns and traditionally underserved communities in New England, including a 24-mile fiber-connection route from Bristol to Plymouth. Hub66 connected the NetworkNH system of Plymouth State University and surrounding municipal buildings, educational institutions, and residents. In the town of Bristol, they recently invested in an internet expansion project towards creating a tech-friendly business environment. This business development effort started with Hub66 high-speed internet with the goal of increasing available business opportunities and jobs while supporting the local schools and residents.

To learn more about local high-speed internet for your home or for your business, visit the website and sign up for Hub66 today.