Wireless Internet

Why Wireless Internet Is Better Than Ever

Fiber-Based Framework Provides Reliability & High-Performance Speeds

Hub66’s ultra-fast and reliable Internet is built upon a framework of Fiber-optic Internet. Unlike Satellite, which has limited bandwidth and limited monthly data caps, or Cable, which uses the same type of cable that transmits television services. Fiber Internet is the fastest available technology on the market, and transmits data at very low latency than any other Internet option available.

Fiber Is Light Years Ahead Of Its Time

Today, Fiber-optic lines form the backbone of the world’s Internet networks. These cables date back to the 1970s, and first connected the United States to Europe in 1988, with cables laid beneath the ocean. Though they’ve been used across the globe for decades, the regular use of Fiber is booming now due to developing technology and cost-effectiveness.

Fiber-optic cable carries pulses of laser or LED light down the line, transmitting information at 70% of the speed of light. That’s the equivalent of 130,200 miles per second. Once a Fiber-optic cable reaches “the last mile” (as we like to call it), the data is converted into an electrical output that can be understood and used by devices like routers, computers, and phones. This data is output to a modem, and then transmitted wirelessly throughout your home.

Consistency In Reliability & Speed

Fiber is not only the fastest Internet available, but the most reliable too, due to Fiber-optic cables not being susceptible to severe weather conditions or electrical interference. A Fiber-optic Internet connection ensures that you can upload and download files quickly, experience online gaming and video calling with no skips or lag, back up your files to a cloud-based hard drive in minutes, and be able to watch a fantastic new film online without any buffering.

Here’s a quick example of how long it would take, on average, to download 2000 songs (roughly 6.5 gb) on various Internet types:
Dial-up: 11 days
DSL: 1 – 14 hours
Cable: 1 minute – 14 hours
Fiber: 10 seconds – 1 minute

What’s The Difference Between Wireless Internet Providers

Knowing the huge advantage of using a Fiber-based Internet connection in your home, we now come to the question: What makes Hub66 different from other Internet providers?

To start, Hub66 uses the best possible technology and equipment on the market, meaning the modem and router you receive upon installation are capable of receiving, handling, and broadcasting the fastest possible Fiber-optic Internet speeds into your home. On our network, this is up to 1 gigabit per second — this is fast enough to support 100 devices on a single Wi-Fi network. We also don’t cap or throttle your data, giving you the freedom to stream in the highest definition, truly unlimited. On top of that, we’re constantly updating our systems to ensure network security and the highest possible speeds for you and your household.

Our growing wireless network is available across New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Vermont.

Click here, or call 855-469-9477 to learn more about Fiber-based wireless Internet in your area.